8-week jumpstart to lose weight without feeling deprived, without counting a single calorie, and while living your life - and keep it off

For Ambitious Women

I struggled with losing weight my whole life, until I started making small changes and never felt deprived - and I still lost weight, without exercise!

I lost 40 pounds and felt full and satisfied the entire time, and I’ve kept it off for years!

Now, I want to share every tip, strategy and tool that I know and that has worked for hundreds of women with you.

I’m Nagina Abdullah, Health Coach for Ambitious Women.

I struggled with losing weight my whole life. I thought because of my genes I would never be able to feel confident in a fitted dress or wear a bathing suit without a cover-up.

I didn’t want to deprive myself of food I love and didn’t have time to spend hours in the gym.

I spent decades counting calories, eating hardly anything, and then shortly afterwards binge eating because I couldn’t bear the restriction. I never felt confident in a bathing suit, and would never leave home to the pool or beach without my cover-up.

After I had two kids, I worked in one of the most demanding careers out there – management consulting for a top four consulting firm in NYC. Every week I was jumping on planes and trains to new locations, working 12+ hour days and staying in hotels for multiple nights of the week. I had no routine and no extra time.

When I came home, I wanted to spend every free moment I had with my kids and my husband.

I quickly started to realize how little energy I had to do fun things I wanted with my family, like go to the park or go for a hike.

I was so frustrated because I couldn’t fit into any of the clothes in my closet, and I didn’t want to buy a size up!

I didn’t feel sexy around my husband.

Worst of all, I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin.

I felt like even though I was successful in my professional life, I couldn’t figure out how to translate it to my body. I desperately wanted how I felt inside to be reflected on the outside.

This wasn’t the life I imagined for myself! Something needed to change!

When I wanted to lose the weight, here's the advice I would hear:

- Don't eat [insert every delicious food here] or you will gain weight

- Don't drink [cocktails, alcohol or any yummy drink here] or you'll get bloated and decrease metabolism

- You have to exercise 4-6 days a week or it must not be that important to you

- You have to count calories, points, crumbs, licks and drops or it won't work

- No eating cupcakes, donuts, and everything else you love or you will have "fallen off the wagon”

Even though I myself wanted to lose weight, I couldn’t bring myself to follow the restrictive rules the weight-loss industry brainwashed me to believe I had to follow.

They were too overwhelming. Too many rules!

With my schedule, I didn’t have hours to spend running on the treadmill or the elliptical every day.

Even when I would try to eat less, exercise more (like all the advice would tell me) and count calories, I could do it for two days, or sometimes a couple weeks, and all of a sudden I would cave in and eat three slices of pizza with ice cream afterwards.

Or, I would go on a trip and come back and really couldn’t get back on the wagon.

Life seemed to constantly happen, and it seemed so HARD to lose weight, and I just didn’t have the energy to keep doing it consistently.

This led to a lot of internal frustration, yo-yo dieting, announcing "It isn't worth it!" and "Why is this so hard for ME?"

The Day Everything Changed

One sunny afternoon soon after I had two kids, I was sitting on the couch, and my back hurt in pain. My kids were crying because they wanted to go out and play. But I was tired, lethargic, and actually felt real pain on my lower back. I didn’t feel like going for a walk with my kids or taking them to the playground. I just wanted to sleep!

I thought, “If I feel like this now, how will I feel in 5 years?”

Would I be sitting at home when I could be hiking with my family? Would I be telling my kids “no, we can’t run a 5k” because I was too out of shape? Would they be playing electronics day in and day out because I didn’t have energy to take them to practice, or play with them in the park?

Would I be the mom that looked frumpy and old, wearing clothes that didn’t look good on me because they were the only things that would hide my belly and my thighs?

I didn’t want to be a mom who felt exhausted and couldn’t have fun with her kids.

I didn’t want to be that frumpy mom that stayed home and watched TV or surfed the Internet every night, living vicariously through others’ lives.

I didn’t want to feel unsexy in my marriage.

I decided then and there that I needed to make a change. I wanted to be an energetic mom, a sexy wife, and have confidence to go out with friends and walk in front of a boardroom to present my strategy. I wanted to have a life!

I wanted to look good, and feel incredible about my body.

Something needed to change.

I couldn’t live like this anymore.

I had to take control over my body.

But I dreaded the overwhelming change I believed I would have to make to lose weight.

I believed I had to make massive, drastic changes to my life to lose weight because that’s what every other weight-loss program makes you do.

So I decided right then and there, that I had to do two things to make my weight-loss realistic. Here were my non-negotiables:

#1 - Losing weight had to be fun. I couldn’t dread what I was eating, or feel starving. I wanted to enjoy what I was eating, and feel full and satisfied.

#2 - Losing weight had to be sustainable. I didn’t want to lose 10 pounds, and put it back on again, and have to lose the same 10 pounds again and again, yo-yo dieting forever.

I NEEDED for the weight to come off NOW, but also stay off. Losing weight had to be fun so I could stick to it, and I wanted to build healthy habits WHILE I was losing weight, so I could live a healthy lifestyle even after.

I didn’t want a temporary fix. I didn’t want a detox, a fad, or an unrealistic diet.

I didn’t want to drink only two smoothies a day made with artificial powders and feel the pain of hunger in between.

I didn’t want to count points, or measure my food.

I didn’t want to feel deprived or bored with my food.

So I researched volumes of nutritional information.

I made some seemingly tiny changes to what I was eating.

I created tiny daily habits so that losing weight started to feel simple, easy, and just plain doable.

I started becoming aware of how I felt with every bite I took, and this helped me eat real, wholesome food more often.

I still ate out, but I would modify the order so I could lose weight, based on what I had learned.

I changed my mindset to believe yes, it was possible to lose weight. Even though I felt like I had tried everything and nothing had helped me lose weight and keep it off, maybe, just maybe, there was something else out there that could work for me to lose the weight once and for all.

I tracked my progress so that I stayed consistent, so I could get off the yo-yo of weight-loss I had known my entire life.

At no point did I feel deprived, cranky or low energy.

To my surprise, by making the tiny changes and implementing tiny changes, my weight came off faster than I could dream of.

I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks, and 40 pounds in 9 months! I dropped 4 sizes. And it’s stayed off for years.

I was amazed at all the positive benefits implementing tiny tiny changes and the resulting weight-loss it was bringing me – even after losing the first 10 pounds.

My clothes started fitting again, and I could buy the cute, fitted dresses that I had always dreamed of wearing.

I felt sexy and confident when I looked in the mirror every morning.

Best of all, I had so much energy to take my kids for long walks, on active vacations, and swimming and hiking!

When I went to work, other professional women would tell me on an everyday basis how fit I looked and ask me how I did it.

I went to my 5-year business school reunion and multiple high-level VP women came and told me “I’m so jealous – how do you have two kids?”

Finally, after a lifetime of struggle, I found the tiny changes, tools and strategies that made losing weight possible . . .and EASY.

Yes, easy.

I found a way that worked to lose weight, drop my blood pressure and vital signs into the extremely healthy range, and skyrocket my energy so that running 5ks with my kids became a fun activity (and it used to be huffing and puffing hard!).

I started swimming in my bikini and JUMPING into the water with my family, playing paddleboard with my husband, and even ice skating with my kids!

I got so healthy that my DOCTOR asked me what I was doing and how I could give HER advice on how to change her family's lifestyle!.

These tiny changes helped me effortlessly drop 40 lbs. and wear the sexy dresses I dreamed of on date nights with my husband!

I never knew that making a few tiny changes could make losing weight so simple and easy. I kept a positive mindset and focused on foods to ADD to my diet, which made the weight-loss sustainable since I never felt deprived.

I started helping others, like you

Little did I know that as I was losing weight and transforming my life, I was also gaining a new passion. I started blogging my delicious recipes and the habits I had changed. Over the next two years, I went on to coach hundreds of women, some of whom have now lost up to 70 pounds!

One of my clients wanted to “look sexy for my boyfriend and for myself. When I looked in the mirror, I just saw my fat belly, grabbed a roll in disgust and wanted it gone. I wanted to get rid of the muffin top, and that’s why I worked with you.”

I’ve been featured on Fox News, Business Insider, Parents, and fitPregnancy for my 40-pound weight-loss and my technique to lose weight by making tiny changes to eating that are easy and delicious. Gretchen Rubin, NY Bestseller, even featured me as a poster woman for how to lose weight without feeling deprived!

Here's the secret - we don’t have to change everything to lose weight. We don’t need to count calories, feel hungry, and stay at home like a recluse to eat steamed chicken (or eggplant) and broccoli. We don’t have to work out for 45 minutes three times a week. Check out this short excerpt from Prevention Magazine about the effectiveness of losing weight by making tiny changes.

“A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that participants who made one small, potentially permanent change in their food choices and/or physical activity each week (such as drinking one fewer can of soda or walking 5 more minutes each day) lost more than twice as much belly fat, 2½ more inches off their waistlines, and about 4 times more weight during a 4-month program, compared with those who followed traditional calorie-restriction and physical-activity guidelines.” - Prevention Magazine

We don’t have to deprive ourselves. It’s possible - and arguably better - to lose weight by making tiny changes. They actually stick.

Here’s what blocked my weight-loss for years

I want to share what I learned along my weight-loss journey, because I’m pretty sure it will surprise you as much as it surprised me.

I’ll start with four myths that I should have never believed - because when I stopped, my weight dropped effortlessly.

Here’s four myths the weight-loss industry tells us, my story and how I busted each. These myths make weight-loss seem out of your reach - and ultimately keep you fat.

MYTH #1: You have to starve, be hungry and cranky and eat food you don’t like to lose weight

One day when I was a student at UC Berkeley, as I was walking from one class to another, my best friend saw me meandering along, looking like I was in a daze, thinking about something. She tried to get my attention, but I was so wrapped up in my thoughts. My BFF said, “Wake up Nagina! What are you thinking about girl?” When I told her my answer, she couldn’t stop laughing.

My answer to her was “I can’t stop thinking about food!” My best friend was naturally thin (don’t you hate those people), so she couldn’t believe I was so obsessed with eating.

It was the truth. I had so many cravings from trying to eat healthy that all I could think about was food.

With my Indian background, eating flavorful food is almost mandatory. At our family dinner table, anyone who didn’t add hot peppers to pizza or couldn’t take the heat from my mom’s chicken curry would be stared down and ridiculed. When I tried to diet, my love of spicy and flavorful food really didn’t translate too well.

And I always craved Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup ice cream and chocolate cake!

When I desperately wanted to lose weight after I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes and my feet hurt after a few minutes of walking – I knew I had to do something. And there’s only so much boring steamed broccoli a girl could eat!

I started to make tiny changes to my breakfast, then my snacks, and then what I would order when I ate out. These tiny changes started adding up.

I ADDED real foods to my day, and I felt so satisfied that I naturally wanted to eat less processed, healthy food, without even trying.

I always felt full and had to remind myself to eat again!

I lost 40 pounds feeling full, satisfied, and looking forward to every meal I ate. And the tiny changes became part of my life.

MYTH #2: It’s All or Nothing

I used to be the type of person who used to tell myself that I wouldn’t eat a cookie until I lost 10 pounds. But, when my cravings would strike, I wouldn’t be able to control myself going to my pantry and taking a cookie or walking into my break room to break off half a donut.

Then, it was downhill after that. Since I went against my plan that little bit, it’s like I opened the floodgates! A few minutes later, I would get another cookie or donut, and that night for dinner I may even say, “Forget it!” and order a pizza!

I would think, “I already messed up, so who cares?”

When I step back and think about it, that doesn’t really make sense.

If you cut your finger, are you going to keep cutting it? No, you’re going to stop. If you bang into another car, are you going to keep banging? No, you’re going to turn around.

The myth – It’s All or Nothing – is False.

The reasons we think this is because we have always learned that a DIET will help you lose weight. If we fall off the diet, it’s discouraging. As one domino falls, we think all of them fall.

MYTH #3: You have to exercise more and eat less to workout

Cardio at the gym is one of my LEAST favorite things in life. In my past life, when I struggled to lose weight, you could catch me jogging on the treadmill counting the seconds until that misery was over.

Cardio does not help you lose weight and KEEP it off. You have to work your butt off to lose weight with cardio, and if you do lose weight and then skip the gym for a week, you start to see it come right back on.

But here’s the bigger myth that I want to crush.
Have you heard that abs are made in the kitchen? It’s true about weight-loss in general.

It’s been shown that eating to lose weight is far more important than exercising and the evidence that diet matters to weight-loss more than exercise is now overwhelming!

“In the last 30 years, exercise has stayed about the same, while overweight and obesity have skyrocketed. So something else must be at play – like the type of food we’re eating.” – quote from NY Times article

But everything I read as I grew up said that I needed to exercise more and eat less to workout!

After decades of exercising for hours a week to lose weight, I finally found that eating more of the right foods rapidly dropped my weight and KEPT it off, far more than exercising ever could.

Learning this is a myth is a GAME CHANGER for busy smart women.

We just don’t have TIME to spend MOVING INTO THE GYM and running on the treadmill for 2 hours everyday!

MYTH #4: You have to give up living when you’re losing weight

I always used to think that losing weight wasn’t “worth it.” I wanted to go out to dinner with my friends, enjoy myself at weddings, and let go on vacation.

I didn’t want to be one of those people that couldn’t go anywhere because I was at home counting my calories.

See – I loving dining out with friends, or meeting for wine nights – and I love having several drinks along the way. I LOVE eating fried calamari for my appetizer, and I can’t LIVE without pizza.

As you start gradually making a few tiny changes that have a big impact, you start ENJOYING eating healthy foods. You actually like the taste, and you like how much energy it gives you.

Wouldn’t it feel great to go to a restaurant with your family, truly enjoy what you’re eating, and walk out feeling light, energetic and sexy?

Not full, lethargic or bloated?

It’s may seem hard to believe, but as you start eating real foods, you actually start tasting it – and it tastes pretty darn good!

But here’s the other thing – you can still enjoy “unhealthy foods” –in moderation! I cannot live without ice cream, chocolate cake or pizza!! When I eat it – especially moist and delicious chocolate cake – it’s everything I wanted and MORE!! I still eat all of those things.

“Genes and Jealousy Syndrome”

Have you experienced a change in your life – you recently had a baby, or just emerged from a stressful time in your life or a deadline at work – or you may just generally want to lose a few pounds or more? You don’t feel at the top of your game.

Then, to make matters worse, you see a girlfriend, colleague, or old classmates at a party or on Facebook wearing a fitted dress, or super skinny jeans with a tight top, or just looking thin overall – and the first thought in your mind is, “that skinny bitch! I hate her!”

You may think, “It has to be in her genes,” or, “she must be super-motivated” or, “she must have a lot of time on her hands – which I just don’t have.”

Meanwhile, you have to hide your feelings, mask your jealousy as something you don’t care about, and put on a polite smile and act as if nothing is wrong.

When we were growing up, my sister would pig out on chips, salsa, Taco Bell, and enchiladas - yet she was able to maintain a super slim figure. She hardly ever put on any weight on around her stomach – always my problem area. No matter how much I watched what I ate and exercise I did, I couldn’t keep my weight down. But for my sister, well, it just seemed to melt off.

It felt like a slap in the face that she kept her weight down so easily, while I was watching ALL of my calories and running and exercising so much. It made my ongoing goal to lose weight even more frustrating!

For years, I thought that other people who were thin were special - they had something I didn’t have. I thought it was in their genes, that they could eat whatever they wanted without caring, and they effortlessly had a flat stomach.

We hate the feeling of comparing ourselves to others – but it’s difficult to see others easily shed the weight, when you’ve been trying your best to exercise and eat right and nothing is coming off.

Even though we try not to consciously compare ourselves to others - it creeps into the pit of our stomach.

I’ve struggled with weight my whole life, and once I found out about a few secrets that were sustainable, my unwanted fat melted off.

After I made a few tiny changes, I reached a lower and healthier weight than I had ever reached in my lifetime.

My stomach became flat as a board, and for the first time in my life I had washboard abs! My arms were slender and toned like I had always dreamed of, and my face wasn’t puffy.

I wore bikinis with confidence, EVEN with two kids.

When I started making tiny changes eating the right foods, and still enjoying myself, I got the body I dreamed of. And you can too.

The Biggest Mistake of All!

When we can’t take our weight anymore and we reach our own personal limit - often when there’s an upcoming trip, wedding or party we want to wear a certain outfit to - we get frazzled.

We look for recipes. . googling them, looking on Pinterest, saving them to somewhere where we think we will cook them all. . . someday.

We may look up or try to make our own meal plans, making a chart of what we will eat this week.

We look up exercises, and look at the yoga or Pilates group class schedule at our gym in the upcoming weeks.

We do all of those things. . and then life happens. . .someone comes to our house from out of town and we can’t eat what we planned, or we have to go out to dinner, or we go on a business trip and when we come back we fall off the wagon.

All of our good intentions fizzle out (could be after a couple days, a week, or couple weeks).

We feel like we don’t have enough time to search for recipes, cook them, make them.

We DON’T want to order salads when we go out with friends or colleagues - we don’t want to miss out on that cheesesteak or the flavorful Thai curry noodles.

After a productive morning, we just want a coffee and a little chocolate chip cookie as a post-lunch pick me up.

And when we travel, we don’t want to feel restricted - and honestly, there are so many temptations in the airport and while vacationing that it feels almost impossible to be healthy during travel.

So we fizzle out.

The weight stays on, and over time, it can even add on.

It becomes a yo-yo lifestyle, and the weight keeps going up, slightly down, and then sometimes up even more.

THE TRUTH: People who lose 20 pounds or more and keep it off think very differently

People who lose weight and keep it off don’t follow a diet. They know losing weight isn’t about feeling deprived of good, filling food. They cut through the overwhelm of recipes, grocery shopping, meal planning, and then the dreadful clean-up.

When they go to a restaurant, they know exactly what to order, and they feel amazing with every bite that goes into their mouth and feel light as they leave. Many still drink alcohol, but they know how much to drink so they can flawlessly keep losing weight.

When they travel, they know when to indulge in chocolate and wine, and when to say they’re done.

They don’t follow little pieces of advice from magazines saying, “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!” or “Get your bikini body in 7 days!”

They don’t follow tactics - they’ve just made a series of tiny changes that added up over time.

They don’t rely on willpower to eat healthy, they actually feel full and satisfied with the food they’re eating - and it’s helping them lose weight at the same time.

They know how to approach everyday situations like eating out, back-to-back meetings or appointments all day, and travel so they lose weight happily no matter where they are.

They know the shortcuts to losing weight.

They made tiny changes and they add up to a lifestyle.

They have a framework to think about what to put in their mouths - not 115 recipes they need to grocery shop for and cook.

They lose weight happily, and it stays off.

Why tiny changes help you lose belly fat faster and keep weight off everywhere more than diets

As I lost 40 pounds, it felt simple. And it’s because I never had to follow a certain diet. I never had to cut out major food groups like carbohydrates or fats. I did NOT eat boring grilled chicken and steamed broccoli everyday!

I didn’t track my calories or measure how much food I was eating.

I ate chocolate, pizza, and ice cream throughout my ENTIRE 40-pound weight-loss.

I drank wine. And vodka. And tequila.

I stopped using my willpower.

Here’s How I Did It

Instead, I made tiny shifts to what I was eating. I created a list of foods to eat and not to eat to lose weight quickly.

I focused on my problem areas for a week at a time, and overcame them. Problem areas like late night binging, skipping eating for hours and then scarfing down anything I could find, and eating dessert every single night.

I learned what foods to eat to feel full, and how to combine them so I was satisfied for hours, and wasn’t craving a sugar fix.

I created “flavor enhancers” which included spices and seasonings to make my meals taste delicious without tons of extra calories.

I created guidelines to follow for any situation - when eating out, while traveling, at family events, and at all-day work conferences.

I would walk into any restaurant and know exactly what to ask for on the side, what to omit, and what to replace.

I learned exactly how to modify a meal, even while at a conference where all they served were huge sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies, so that I kept losing weight happily no matter where I was.

I also developed mental mindset scripts to say if people said, “Live a little!” or “Wow you’re picky!” I had the strength to know, even in social situations, to stay true to my weight-loss and the words to make it seem normal, so I didn’t seem like the “picky” one.

I noted the mindset shifts I was making, and how a flat stomach and lean thighs felt possible and in my reach for the first time in my life.

Pretty soon, I had developed hundreds of strategies on losing weight, no matter what event, situation, I was in or what food was in my pantry, fridge or freezer, or what mindset or emotional up and down I was in. I knew what to do no matter what.

I tested these strategies on myself and with hundreds of clients. Slowly, I deleted them one by one if they weren’t absolutely “weight-loss proof.”

Every single remaining strategy was so powerful that anyone that got their hands on them would drop their belly fat and lose weight everywhere else - even if they hadn’t lost weight with ANYTHING else.

I call this the “Tiny Changes Method” because these concepts are so impactful, so different, and so permanent, that once you get hold of them, it transforms your body - your stomach, butt, thighs, and back - from overweight to slim and toned and your body from frumpy and fat to sexy and hot.

The “Tiny Changes Method” gives you the tools and tips to lose weight now and keep it off forever.

You lose weight happily, and keep it off. And it seems effortless.

For example, when I created one of the tiny changes “Split Your Plate” Meal Framework for the exact types of food to have on my plate by meal to feel full and satisfied and not feel deprived - and STILL lose weight - it was a game-changer! My weight literally felt like it started dripping off!

And so did the weight of hundreds of other women.

And that was just one tiny change.

I have over 30 of them.

I have tiny changes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, eating out, traveling, grocery shopping, late-night cravings, and more.

It felt effortless when I lost the 40 pounds and it feels effortless seven years later. And it’s because the tiny changes added up into a lifestyle. . and it felt easy to create.

One by one. And with each one, I lost at least a pound.

Every time I look in the mirror, even after eating pizza and drinking wine and cocktails on the weekend - my stomach is still flat. It’s because I used the tiny changes, “Eating Out and Losing Weight” and the “Alcohol Framework” when I went out.

I use the “Travel and Lose or Maintain Weight” tiny change when I’m vacationing to have a pleasurable vacation while still losing or maintaining weight.

Because my new body is due to my lifestyle - and not a diet - I can feel confident throwing on a bathing suit at the drop of a hat - even in February if I’m going on a Caribbean vacation - when I haven’t just crash dieted or starved myself to get “ready for bathing suit season” like I did before.

I go shopping and no longer feel embarrassed about the way I look. I love looking at how clothes fit in the fitting room!

And if it’s my friend’s birthday, or my son’s or daughter’s - you can bet I’m enjoying the cake! It’s all part of enjoying my lifestyle while knowing which choices will keep my weight down, and sometimes that means enjoying the cake!

See, to follow diets, and rely on willpower, and feel guilty when you can’t follow the rules each and every day is worthless. In fact, many of my students know exactly what to eat, and where to find recipes to prepare it, and even have grocery lists to go shopping for food! But they can’t bring themselves to do it consistently!

Why? Because typical weight-loss advice is overwhelming and deprivational, and require so many changes all at once that are not realistic. You’re expected to go from eating generally healthy to meal-prepping every day, eating tiny salads, and having celery for your snack - while working out for 45 minutes a day. It’s just not practical! You want to live your life without making drastic changes. Within moments of following diets you feel deprived, hungry, and ultimately don’t follow it. And the weight stays on, or worse, adds up.

What if there was an approach that wasn’t so focused on what NOT to eat, and how many minutes to stay on the treadmill, and instead focused on tiny habits to change that would drop the weight AND shift your mindset?

What if this approach taught you foods to ADD to your diet - not take out?

What if this approach taught you how to combine your foods so you always felt full and satisfied, without hours in the kitchen?

What if it gave you a playbook for how to act in social situations that seem impossibly tricky? Like travel, cocktail hours, and eating out with friends or colleagues?

How freeing would you feel if you had a plan for exact snacks to eat each afternoon at 2pm when you get that afternoon slump so you can get more energy without gaining weight?

Have you heard anyone else in the weight-loss industry address the actual daily behaviors you need to get skinnier and STAY skinny? This is what the OTHER weight-loss crazies teach:

- How to cut calories

- Why you should eat boring food

- Why you need track every calorie to see the scale move down

- Why you have to exercise for 45 minutes a day

Are you KIDDING ME??

I’m here to give you the cheat sheet to the best, most successful frameworks, templates, tools and mindsets I’ve uncovered in my eight-year journey of what worked, felt easy, and was sustainable to lose 40 lbs and keep it off.

I want to share every tool, tip and strategy that worked for me with you.


8-week jumpstart to lose weight without feeling deprived, without counting a single calorie, and while living your life - and keep it off

For Ambitious Women

Featuring the Tiny Changes Method (TCM)

This is an actionable, practical system with the exact foods to eat, not eat, how to combine them, what foods you should portion control and what foods you don’t need to worry about.

You’ll learn simple strategies and scripts so you will know how to act in every life situation, from travel to work to eating out.

You’ll learn the tiny changes to lose weight now AND keep the weight-loss sustainable.

You’ll get tested, proven strategies to bust through plateaus you may hit along the journey.

I share mental mindsets to make it clear why you are doing what you’re doing, so you can feel it in your bones. You'll NEVER:

  • Count calories or points
  • Eat boring foods
  • Feel hungry
  • Have to say no to ice cream or cake if you don’t want to
  • Have to stop drinking alcohol if you don't want to
  • So much more

I took my comprehensive list of strategies, frameworks, and mindsets for every situation that I developed over the last eight years and distilled them into actionable, simple to understand modules.

You’ll go from not being sure of what to eat each day to having a specific framework that tells you what to have on your plate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack that’s easy to follow and helps you lose weight.

You’ll go from being unprepared and not having the ingredients for filling, delicious meals to having a ready-to-use pantry, fridge and freezer filled with foods that are easy to make in 15 minutes or less.

You’ll go from “freestyling” trips and vacations to knowing when to indulge, what to indulge in so you have fun on your trip without gaining five pounds before you return.

You’ll go from not being sure you can lose the weight to believing and seeing you can, when you follow the frameworks, tools and tips you learn.

I share each framework and strategy in my own words, based on what has worked not only for me but for hundreds of other women who have learned the Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss framework.

This course includes:

- Over 30+ videos, audios, and transcripts of me, Nagina, giving you practical strategies of what to eat and when and how to combine them using the 1,2,3,4 Jumpstart Principles to get started and lose weight now (no restrictive rules), and what choices to make in every situation from meals at home to snacks to eating out to travel to family gatherings and conferences to lose weight and keep it off

- 19+ downloadable PDFs, cheat sheets and resources that you can refer to for the food lists, food frameworks, recipe templates, mental mindsets, and strategies to curb cravings and survive everyday food temptations

- A weekly plan to make tiny changes for big weight loss, resulting in quick and sustainable weight-loss using the “Tiny Changes Method”

- Accountability and support directly from myself through bi-weekly coaching and Q&A calls, and a private FB group for all members

- Lifetime access to Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss, so you can revisit any advice when you need it! Plus, as this becomes a way of life, watching the videos again helps reinforce what to do in every situation. And if life gets in the way - a vacation, a trip, visitors, or someone gets sick - you can always come back to it

Who is it for?

Busy women who:

– Are successful in their career or as an entrepreneur
– May also have other responsibilities like children, a husband or a busy social life
– Want to lose 10,20,30,40 pounds or more
– Want a lifestyle change and not a fad

Here’s a sample of what you will discover in the course:

  • 1,2,3,4 Jumpstart Principles to crush cravings, simplify eating and start losing weight now and keep it off forever
  • 9-Step Cravings Conqueror to uncover, understand and conquer your cravings
  • Your Sticky Weight-Loss Plan: A weekly plan to make tiny changes that stick and destroy yo-yo weight-loss
  • List of foods to eat and foods to avoid for fast, sustainable weight-loss (you’ll be surprised at what your scale will say in two weeks from now!)
  • “Split Your Plate” Meal Framework - Exact food combinations to add to your plate for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner so you lose weight while feeling full and satisfied
  • Rule of 5:
    • 5 energy-activating types of foods to eat that to feel full and satisfied after every meal - and consistently lose weight
    • 5 energy-blocking types of foods to avoid so you instantly feel more energy and pleasure in your day
  • Meals you can eat in big portions and have seconds and thirds of (portion size and counting calories isn’t needed in Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss!)
  • 40+ new, never shared before recipes, including template recipes, so you can mix and match ingredients, marinades, spice blends and vegetables
  • 7+ Mindset Makeovers to drop the weight, prioritize food prep, eat out and lose weight and keep losing or maintain weight post-program
  • Done-for-you scripts to make healthy choices when you’re in social situations and you may feel self-conscious about being healthy
  • Afternoon and late-night cravings-busting strategies and exact snacks, teas and infused waters to drink so you’re in control of your eating
  • How many cookies, cupcakes, donuts, and pizza you can eat each week (It’s more than you think!) and when you can eat them for optimal weight-loss
  • How often to drink alcohol and low-sugar alcohol templates you can apply to any cocktail party, networking event, or birthday bash you go to so you can clink “Cheers!” while losing weight
  • How to modify the menu when you eat out so you can melt away pounds even as you’re living your life dining with your friends and family (as often as you like!)
  • How to drastically lower cooking time so 3-minute meals become a norm (bye bye 45-minute prep sessions!)
  • How to modify conference and meeting food when they only offer pasta, cookies and soda (yes, it’s possible and I do this every time)
  • Mom-on-the-go strategies, exact snacks and meals to take when you’re picking up kids from school and practice
  • How to travel and enjoy what you’re eating while still losing weight (including what to eat on the plane and in airports)
  • How to break through plateaus and what to do when your scale goes up instead of down (it’s totally normal and happens to all of us!)
  • How to respond to others who are jealous of your weight-loss as your fat starts melting away
  • Plus dozens of my proven weight-loss secrets and mindsets to lose weight in every situation
  • And recipes! Did I mention recipes!

Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss is a transformational lifestyle program where you learn exactly what to do each day at home and in every life situation, based on my own eight years of experience in losing 40 pounds and keeping it off, even while traveling every week and staying in hotels and being a mom of two.


Here’s what separates this program from other programs - the program is personalized to where you already are today. You’ll make tiny, sustainable changes each week that help you lose weight quickly. You’ll get the biggest “bang for your buck” with tiny changes and big weight loss, starting in the first week.

Together, we will create a plan to make tiny changes each week, seeing weight-loss immediately. I know the most impactful changes to make - no matter how healthy you already are - and I’ll share those with you.

Then, you’ll add to these tiny changes, making more each week. You will be surprised at how easy it will be to create a healthy lifestyle in eight weeks and have a super hot body, effortlessly.

Then, you’ll add to these tiny changes each week, and transform yourself into following healthy lifestyle in eight-weeks and having a super hot body, effortlessly.

After coaching hundreds of clients to lose up to 70 lbs, I know exactly how to jumpstart your weight-loss while creating sustainable habits that keep it coming off for months, and then years.

I’ve created a system that works to lose weight, and it starts based on where you are today, no matter where that is. You lose weight fast, and it keeps coming off.

And it stays off.

Each week, I’ll coach you to make a tiny changes to what you’re eating, and what you’re doing. So, it doesn’t feel like you’re overwhelmed with doing so many things at once. The program is personalized to where YOU are, and where you are starting. It’s not a generic one-size fits all program, where the same rules apply to everyone.

You get personalized advice depending on what changes you need to make first - to see weight loss faster and quicker - and create sustainable habits that will KEEP the weight off.

If your problem area is eating at night, that’s where we will start. We’ll look into WHY you’re eating at night, and you’ll get specific foods to eat that will keep you light and losing weight EVEN IF you eat late at night.

If your weakness is sweets, we will come up with a plan to eat them in moderation, and I’ll share options for healthier sweets (including specific brands and quantities to eat). We’ll uncover WHY you’re craving sweets to often, which will help you to conquer the cravings forever.

If your downfall is overeating, we will talk about portion sizes and uncover WHY you are overeating - which will be a lifetime game-changer.

If you’re already eating healthy, we’ll assess what you’re doing according to the frameworks, and where there are things you can do differently. For example, there may be some foods to add and some to avoid, or some quantities to be mindful of. You may be able to make healthier choices when you eat out.

And if you’re the woman that is ready to make all the changes all at once, you can do that too. I’ll coach you to stay on track and considerations to note.

Either way, you see weight-loss in the first one to two weeks. And it keeps dropping from there, as you continue to make tiny changes each week.


Here are some of the women that have followed this system and lost more weight than they lost in years, and have now kept it off.

Anjali Lost 40 lbs. and Gained a Positive Relationship with Food

About Anjali: Anjali is an ambitious International Bank VP based in NY and mother of then twin 5-year old girls. Anjali’s weight crept up over the years due to busyness and emotional eating.

How She Lost Weight in Nagina’s program: She decided to join Nagina’s program to get the structure and emotional support she knew she needed to lose weight.

Results: Anjali’s stomach flattened dramatically within 4 weeks and she lost 15 pounds in 3 months by following Nagina’s food lists and frameworks. She transformed her emotional eating patterns and now has a positive relationship with food. Shen went on to lose another 25 lbs, for a total weight loss of 40 lbs!

“My relationship with food has changed immensely. The program actually reshaped my body. For example, my legs are a lot thinner, and I’m not used to thinking of myself as someone with thin legs. In the first month there was obvious flattening of the stomach. It seems to melt away. Working with Nagina was one of the best decisions I’ve made.” - Anjali

Tree Stopped Emotional Eating and Lost 20 Pounds

About Tree: Tree works 12 hours a day in a high-stress Fortune 500 company. She was always petite, but at 44, the pressure of her career and a lack of time lead to her weighing in at the heaviest of her life.

How She Lost Weight With Nagina’s Weight Loss Program: Tree was able to recognize that she was eating emotionally to deal with guilt, disappointment and agitation. She learned how to nourish herself with self-love, and the weight effortlessly fell off!

Tree’s Results: She lost 20 pounds! She fit back into her size 4 jeans in 3 weeks (after 3 years of not fitting into them!) Lost 8 inches from her waist, and flattened her belly WITHOUT going to the gym AND while eating chocolate cake.

"I bought a cute new bikini (I haven’t worn a bikini in public in 5 years!) and can’t wait for summer. I lost these inches WITHOUT working out. Not one damn sit up. No planks, no crunches, no cardio, no nothing!” - Tree

Louise Stomped Out Overeating, Lost 13 Lbs, and Wears Fitted Dresses Now!

About Louise: Louise had a demanding job as a technology consultant, and is married and a mother of two girls. At 45 years old, she had been trying to lose weight for 13 years, since her second daughter was born. As a result of overeating and lack of structure in her days, she struggled to get it off.

How She Used Nagina’s Weight Loss Program: She embraced having a structure, which made shopping and cooking so much simpler and less time-consuming.

Results: Louise lost 3 inches from her waist and 13 pounds (after 13 years!) while working with Nagina – WHILE she traveled up to 5 days a week. She loves being able to wear pants that sat in her closet for years because they didn’t fit her!

“When I ate the food on your program, it made me glow and feel much calmer. Physically I can move around a lot faster, which is really important when you have a family.” -  Louise

Lindsay Conquered Sugar Cravings, Lost 15 Pounds and It Was All “Very, Very Easy”

Meet Lindsay: She had just completed a long work contract filled with stress and daily donuts in the break room. Lindsay decided she hit her limit and needed to make a lifestyle shift – but she loved sugar so much and didn’t want to feel deprived. She needed an intervention so she could get the weight off.

How She Used The Program:  Lindsay learned easy habits like what foods were filling and made her feel good. She was able to uncover her triggers for sugar. She began to uncover exactly WHEN and WHY she was craving sugar.

Results: Yes, she went from 185 pounds to 169 pounds! Not just that – she dropped 6 inches off her waist going from 39 inches to a svelte 33 inches. Incredible!

“I’ve done Weight Watchers before and that’s just a pain with counting points. I’m not someone who’s going to count.

Honestly, I didn’t expect how easy weight loss was going to be in Nagina’s program” – Lindsay

Shereese Lost 13 lbs. and Now She Knows Exactly What To Eat

“I lost 13 lbs. thanks to Nagina! I'm now lighter than I was before and, more importantly, I know HOW to eat food that is delicious, healthy, and works to melt fat.”
- Shereese

Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss is NOT for you if:

  • You’re a woman of leisure who has all day to lounge around and thinks it’s a waste of time to get fit and healthy
  • You are ok with feeling tired and lethargic
  • You accept that you should buy the next clothes size up

Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss IS for you if:

  • You’re frustrated with feeling deprived from traditional diets and are overwhelmed by all the diet information out there
  • You want to stop resorting to fad diets and temporary ways to lose weight and don’t want to count points or measure your food
  • You have sugar cravings, overeating tendencies, or use food for emotional comfort
  • You need structure and accountability to jumpstart your weight-loss
  • You want to lose weight now but also want to keep it off for good and know that transforming your mindsets and habits is the secret

A No-Brainer Guarantee
Try Tiny Changes, Big Weight Loss for a full 30 days,
100% risk free

Try the course for 30 days. If you don’t absolutely love it, I will make sure you get 100% of your money back.

It’s a no-brainer. Join the course and try it out.

If the simple, straightforward tiny changes don’t help you lose weight within 30 days, email me. Show me that you did the work, and I’ll give you all of your money back. No questions asked.

The guarantee lasts a full 30 days, so you can try out so much of the course.


12 Payments of $49

Join Now!

Payment Plan only available until Wednesday, July 10th

Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss Modules

All modules include short (2-8 minutes long), interesting, comprehensive videos and audios directly by me with accompanying PDFs and beautiful, easy worksheets (it’s like I’m coaching you individually). There will also be bi-weekly live Q&A calls (will be recorded) with me to answer your questions and get personalized “hot-seat” feedback.

Jumpstart Here (Pre-Start Prep)

Videos/Audios (2-8 minutes long):

  1. Meet Nagina
  2. The Yo-Yo Weight-Loss Stops Here
  3. Get Started with the 1,2,3,4 Jumpstart Principles


  1. Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss Jumpstart Toolkit (including foods to eat/not eat, portion sizes, snacks, restaurant order modifications and guidelines)
  2. Tiny to Big Weight-Loss Tracker
  3. 17 simple food swaps to lose weight now (for ambitious women only)
  4. 9-Step Cravings Conqueror
  5. Your Sticky Weight-Loss Plan: Make tiny changes that stick and destroy yo-yo weight-loss

Module 1: Eat This Daily To Lose Weight

Videos/Audios (2-8 minutes long):

  1. Rule of 5 Food Framework
  2. "Split Your Plate” Meal Framework: Simplify your weight-loss with the 3-part plate split
  3. Avoid Afternoon Cravings: Snacks
  4. Stay in Control At Night: Conquer Late-Night Cravings and Healthy Midnight Snacks
  5. Cheat Days
  6. Make Over Your Mindset (4 Mindsets to Transform to Drop the Weight)
  7. Recipe Videos


  1. Non-veg and vegetarian food lists
  2. Vegan food lists
  3. Split Your Plate” Meal Framework visual
  4. Rule of 5 Instruction PDF
  5. Mix & match guide (how to mix and match Rule of 5 foods)
  6. 10 no-cook simple skinny snacks
  7. Late-night healthy treats and cravings-busters
  8. Monthly tracker (4-week weekly plan, weekly grocery list and daily notes)
  9. Recipes
  10. PDFs and frameworks for each video
  11. Video guides

Module 2: Shorten Your Time in the Kitchen to Lose Weight

Videos/Audios (2-8 minutes long):

  1. How to Stock Your Tiny Changes Kitchen
  2. Learn to Laser Read a Nutritional Label To Lose Weight (focus only on these four things to lose weight)
  3. Zip through the Grocery Store With the “Skinny Grocery Navigation Guide” (shop in 15 minutes or less!)
  4. Discover Your Cooking Style (and find your best style to decrease your time in the kitchen)
  5. Cooking Shortcuts (cooking appliances and cooking methods)
  6. How to Eat More and Lose Weight
  7. Tiny Changes for a Vegan Lifestyle
  8. PFP (Preparing Food Priority) Mindset


  1. Kitchen guide - what to stock
  2. Pantry guide - what to stock
  3. Kitchen tools to speed up and simplify prep and cooking
  4. Discover your cooking style PDF
  5. How to eat more model
  6. Recipes
  7. PDFs and frameworks for each video
  8. Video guides

Module 3: Eat Away From Home and Lose Weight

Videos/Audios (2-8 minutes long):

  1. Travel and Take Vacations and Lose or Maintain Weight (including how to eat in the airport and on flights)
  2. Alcohol Framework to Lose Weight
  3. Go To Social Events, Parties & Holiday Events (include cocktail parties, family events, holidays and potlucks) and Lose or Maintain Weight
  4. Eat Out and Get Takeout and Lose Weight
  5. Attend Work Events (Conferences/Networking Dinners/Back-to-Back meetings, Room Service) While Losing Weight
  6. So Many Activities, How Do We Eat for Moms On-the-Go (After-school and weekend activities and how to feed a family))
  7. Away From Home Eating For Weight-Loss Mindset


  1. Travel Snacks
  2. What to eat in an airport
  3. Healthy conference and room service guide
  4. Healthy restaurant guide (by cuisine)
  5. Recipes
  6. PDFs and frameworks for each video
  7. Video guides

Module 4: SOS! How to Respond to Unexpected Results and Situations and Still Lose Weight

Videos/Audios (2-8 minutes long):

  1. Help! I Hit a Plateau
  2. Are You an Emotional Eater?
  3. What to Do When the Scale Goes Up
  4. Fallen Off the Wagon? Here’s How to Get Back On
  5. Next-Level Mindsets to Consider to Keep Losing or Maintain Weight
  6. During and Post-Weight-Loss Mindsets


  1. Pregnancy and nursing modifications
  2. Recipes
  3. PDFs and frameworks for each video
  4. Video guides

You'll be surprised at how your sugar cravings will disappear because you'll learn how to eat healthy, filling foods that stomp away the sugar cravings in every single situation - from being at home to traveling to Hawaii to being in back-to-back meetings at work.

You can make some of the tiny changes, and add more on as you need them. You don’t have to do everything all at once. You’ll start with the areas that will give you the biggest weight-loss, and then round out your life with healthy choices for every area of your life. If you choose to do everything all at once, that is great too.

The secret to this system is you will NEVER feel overwhelmed, deprived, or hungry.

Meanwhile, the weight from your stomach, thighs, and back will naturally start slipping off.

You will start to look forward to fun activities for you to do with your family that make being healthy easy and makes your life RICHER with more memories. Things like finding seashells on the beach, running a 5k and going for a hike on a Saturday morning will all become the norm for you and your family.


12 Payments
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    Single Payment
    $497/one-time payment
      Join Now!

      12-month payment plan only available until Wednesday, July 10th at 11:59pm PST

      Julie Lost 19 Pounds in 10 Weeks Without Feeling Deprived


      “The big eye-opener for me was going to the doctor and learning I needed to lose weight. After the program I went to the doctor and she saw I lost 19 pounds! She couldn’t believe it, and she said keep it up!" - Julie

      Harleen Dropped 4 Sizes and Lost 17 Lbs in Less Than 3 Months While Working 12+ Hour Days


      “I have seen my energy levels and libido levels going up. Honestly, I didn’t think it was going to be that simple! Eating with Nagina’s plan is flexible and totally doable.” - Harleen

      Other weight-loss programs, coaches and methods don’t talk about the importance of the mental focus you need – and how to stay motivated. This is such an important part of weight-loss – to put in place the things you need to stay focused and excited about losing weight.

      They don’t focus on how to simply prepare your food to make healthy, tasty food easier to have in front of you when you’re hungry!

      They don’t tell you how what to eat to stay and full and satisfied (they just tell you to eat less and exercise more!).

      Get the simple frameworks, tips, and mindsets to lose weight NOW and develop a lifestyle that makes weight-loss easy and simple every day ahead of you.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. How will I view the program and materials?

      All materials will be available online in a private member’s site that you will gain access to when you sign up. You can view or download videos, audios, and PDF and Excel resources and checklists. You can also print resources.

      2. How much time will it take for me to make the tiny changes each week?

      Once you start following the program, expect to SAVE 1-3 hours on eating and losing weight each week. Yes, this program actually saves you time - easy, simple eating, time-saving cooking, simplifying decisions and healthy choices laid out for you save you hours a week and mental effort.

      The videos/audios are short, from two minutes to eight minutes max, so you can watch or listen to them anytime throughout your day. They’re fun and easy!

      Since these are tiny changes, you can implement some or all of them. You will have the most success if you implement the habits for your problem areas first, and then expand out to other areas.

      3. Is it vegetarian / vegan friendly?

      Yes, there are separate vegetarian/vegan food lists, recipes, and a video on vegetarian and vegan protein and weight-loss. Vegans and vegetarians can follow all of the videos and teachings.

      4. Is meal planning required or included?

      There will be over 40+ recipes provided (five new recipes per week). Meal planning is optional but prep and/or planning is encouraged. Nagina’s 8-Week Jumpstart meal plans (using the same recipes she used to lose 40 pounds) will be offered as an optional part of the program (these are only offered after you sign up for Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss and are amazing).

      5. Is exercise required?

      No, you can lose the weight without exercise.

      6. Can I exercise and use Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss if I want to?

      Yes. Exercise is not required for this course but is beneficial to your health and progress if you do.

      7. Can pregnant or nursing mothers do Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss?

      Tiny Changes, Big Weight Loss is a weight loss program. Since pregnant mothers should be gaining weight and not losing weight, it is not advised that they follow the program during pregnancy. For breastfeeding mothers, La Leche League International advises to wait at least two months before making any drastic effort to lose weight in order to allow your body to recover and ensure a steady milk supply. After this period, the program works extremely safely, as it is comprised of all-natural foods and drinks. Many nursing mothers have lost weight using the program while healthfully feeding their babies.

      8. How is this different than “Spice Yourself Skinny?” If I’ve taken that, would this be helpful?

      Spice Yourself Skinny is a meal planning program focusing on combining fat-melting, metabolism-boosting spices. Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss shows you how to make healthy choices that lead to weight-loss in all areas of your life, from home, to travel, to social gatherings.

      Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss is a lifestyle weight-loss program. It is significantly different, and none of the recipes or concepts are repeated. If you’ve lost weight through Spice Yourself Skinny, you can continue to lose weight through Tiny Changes, Big Weight-Loss.

      You don’t have to feel overwhelmed or wonder where to start anymore.

      If you’ve tried every diet, detox, or bootcamp and nothing has worked - it doesn’t mean that you’re not capable of losing weight. It means that you haven’t found what works for you.

      You don’t have to be deprived and feel hungry while losing weight, and it’s not your fault if you thought you did. It’s the only thing that’s been taught in the weight-loss industry.

      In the last eight years, I lost 40 pounds and kept it off by collecting, documenting and following tiny changes that I use throughout my life. It’s made losing weight feel effortless. It’s just no big deal anymore.

      It can be the same for you. I’ve gone on to coach hundreds of women on the technique of knowing what tiny changes have the biggest impact - and NOT needing to be overwhelmed by all the information out there.

      You would need to pay over $5k to get all of the tested, proven weight-loss education I’m sharing with you, condensed in bite-sized, easy to digest videos and audios.

      If you’re done with temporary weight-loss, and are looking to find the final solution to tell you what to do in every situation to keep losing weight (and make it feel easy), you can have it.

      A year from now, you’re going to be a year older.
      What are you going to do?


      12 Payments
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        Single Payment
        $497/one-time payment
          Join Now!

          12-month payment plan only available until Wednesday, July 10th at 11:59pm PST